Square Construction

Industry - Construction


Square Construction was looking for a company that provides reliable app development services to enhance task management and the completion of work. They want a real-time collaboration app for iOS and Android smartphones to connect employees and optimize the full utilization of resources. Therefore, they searched for app development service providers and found our services the most reliable because of our past projects where we developed award-winning mobile app solutions.

How We Provided a Real-Time Solution for Our Client to Enhance Workforce Management?

The first thing we ensure is to understand our client's demands and requirements. When Square Construction reached out to us for developing an application to streamline workflow between contractors, specialized craft professionals, and home renovators through efficient communication and coordination. Our experts started research to create a digital solution to fulfill our client's needs. We integrated all the departments on a platform, creating a well-organized management system to enhance the overall performance of Square Construction.


We had to implement a site report system to enhance efficiency and productivity while maintaining the accuracy and reliability of data submissions. Therefore, we had to integrate tools to streamline the data collection process from the construction site. This includes capturing data through multiple sources such as photographs, observation, measurements, or external tools. Moreover, we ensure a consistent and standardized reporting system for all construction teams as variations in format can cause difficulty in understanding the information for other teams.

We incorporated the latest features and technologies related to project management to optimize performance. We included data analysis and tracking tools to monitor the progress of each project. Moreover, we had to develop a robust infrastructure that works well with limited internet connection and has minimal battery usage to facilitate workers on the construction site. We had to make a user-friendly application while ensuring compatibility across different screen sizes and resolutions. To enhance user experience, we added customization options tailored to the specific needs of different construction projects.


Firstly, we developed a standardized site report template with all the essential information so all users follow the established format that will ensure consistency across all construction sites and projects. To ensure data accuracy, we implemented a data verification process to minimize errors and optimize efficiency. We integrated digital tools and technologies to facilitate data collection methods. We added mobile push notifications to streamline workflow and project information. We developed a user-friendly application while incorporating data analysis and visualization tools to give users a wide range of options as per their needs and requirements.

1 Registration & Log-in

We created an easy log-in process by allowing users to log in as a visitor or with a certain role. When a user chooses their role, related functionalities appear to them which saves their time in finding the relevant features and tools. We integrated social media platforms so users can log in with their emails, numbers, or other social media profiles. Moreover, when a user creates a profile, authorization is done by sending an SMS code to the phone number to proceed further.

2 Real-Time Data Integration

We ensure this application is compatible with all cell phones, tablets, laptops, and PCs. We integrated APIs for project management tools, scheduling software, and document management systems that helped to monitor the performance of all construction projects. The application can generate forms, schedule site inspections, and analyze surveys which allow the firm to meet regulatory standards for a construction app.

3 Latest Technologies

We added the latest technologies and effective techniques to ensure efficiency in the project flow. We used Java to write the backend, Swift for iOS, and Kotlin for Android. We employed the SIP protocol to facilitate video calls through the intercom. We integrated third-party services to provide users with the convenience of ordering meals or booking a cab.

4 IAM Templates

We implemented IAM Templates to enhance user engagement and management processes. We added Role-based Access Control (RBAC) features that show IAM templates according to a user’s role and specific needs. This increases customer retention as users enjoy unique features that fulfill their requirements.


The application was a great success for our client, Square Construction. This application streamlines the workflow system of the organization. Soon after it was launched, it decreased the workload of the employees by eliminating the manual system of building reports which increased the company’s efficiency. Moreover, the application was accessible on all devices and provided users with a positive user experience.

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