CS - Pharma

Industry - Healthcare


CS Pharma is a local pharmacy in the USA and operates at a community level. The pharmacy is known for its trustworthy services and offers customers a one-stop shop for all pharmaceutical needs. CS Pharma has been serving the local community since 1965 with its vast range of services, which include long-term care services, medication synchronization and medical flavoring.

CS Pharma realized they needed an app to increase their engagement with potential customers. These healthcare apps are in demand these days and require complex technical skills to sustain in the competitive environment. Therefore, CS Pharma connected to CGT and shared their idea for a prescription delivery app to increase their customer base by driving relevant traffic to the app.

How Competent Are We to Develop a Pharmaceutical App?

Creative Giant Technologies has diverse experience in developing apps for different businesses and industries. We are known for our app development services specifically for the pharma industry. In today’s digital era, numerous apps are offering the same services which makes it essentially important that your app is distinct in terms of usability, compatibility, and features. Our experts are aware of the changing customer dynamics and understand user needs and demands. Therefore, we contribute to businesses with innovative solutions that not only help them to grow but also benefit society.


Developing a pharma app comes with a lot of challenges. We had to integrate the existing systems with the new app which includes electronic health records (EHRs), inventory management systems, or CRM systems. We also redesigned the previous app.

The challenge that we faced was to implement security measures to protect users’ confidentiality and privacy while maintaining compatibility and a user-friendly interface as the previous interface was created on the old themed interface.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface allows users to easily navigate the app and explore all features leading to a positive user experience. By prioritizing user-friendliness, a pharma app makes its medical services accessible to potential customers. We incorporated visual cues to make the app appealing to customers to enhance engagement. This helps to increase conversion and retention rates. We added the following features to stay on top of the healthcare app.

  • Medication Reminders
  • Dosage Instructions
  • General Health Guidelines
  • Personalized Health Tracking
  • Health Goal Setting
  • Educational Resources

Security & Data Privacy

Maintaining security and data privacy was one challenge as we had to incorporate such features while ensuring the app’s performance. We had to use data encryption techniques to protect users’ privacy and meet the regulations of the pharma industry. Following are some features that we included in this app:

  • User Authentication
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Secure Backend Systems
  • Audit Logs and Monitoring
  • Transparent Privacy Policies

Integration with the Internal API of Our Client

To enhance functionality and streamline processes, we integrated the app with the internal API of our client’s infrastructure. This will allow efficient data exchange between the app and the client's internal API. We added the following features to ensure accurate information and efficient workflow.

  • API Authentication
  • Real-time Data Synchronisation
  • Prescribing and Medication Management
  • Data Filtering and Sorting
  • Patient Notifications


For data privacy and security, we implemented strong encryption methods. We collaborated with legal and regulatory experts before designing the app, which helped us to adhere to relevant regulations and guidelines. We used standardized protocols and formats that most users are familiar with, which makes the app user-friendly, as users are already aware of different tools and functionalities. We used a user-centric approach that helped us to understand a user’s needs. We implemented functionalities to assure mobile compatibility and scalability. Furthermore, we provide regular updates to the CS Pharma app to meet the increasing standards of users and enhance their engagement levels.

Two-way Security & Communication

Our experts highlight the importance of two-way security and communication. Therefore, we used an encrypted 2-way chat, which enables patients and pharmacists to communicate effectively. We incorporated features allowing pharmacists to fill in patient queries as quickly as possible without fear of security issues. We added the features listed below:

  • Two-way Secure Data Transmission
  • Data Integrity Verification
  • User Authorization and Access Control
  • Secure Backend Systems
  • Secure APIs and Integrations

Unique Features

To make CS Pharma’s prescription delivery app unique in terms of competitors, we incorporated the following features:

  • Drug Interaction Checker
  • Pill Identification
  • Medication Tracking and History
  • Allergy and Sensitivity Warnings
  • Virtual Consultations

Enhanced Customer Experience

Adding beneficial features to this app and creating an organized layout with visual cues help users to navigate the app. They can easily find the features and information they are looking for which enhances the overall customer experience. Moreover, we focused on the visuals and graphics to ensure we developed a connection with the potential customers. Some of the features of an incredible customer experience are as follows:

  • Health Tips and Education
  • Health Records Integration
  • Customer Support
  • Side Effects Information
  • Localization and Language Support


This app helps our client to expand their customer base by reaching out to potential customers who are currently looking for pharmaceutical services. The user-friendly interface contributed to a positive customer experience, which resulted in increased sales and deliveries. The unique features give CS-Pharma a competitive edge in the e-commerce industry. This app created hype on social media platforms, which increased the conversion rate as users downloaded the mobile app after interacting with the app users on social platforms.

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