Aala LLC

Industry - Business/ Management

Our experts facilitated Aala LLC in developing an application that streamlines their business processes and helped to achieve operational excellence.


Aala is a renowned and industry-leading company that provides innovative solutions to businesses to increase efficiency and optimize productivity. The company focused on innovation, customer experience, and reliability, empowering businesses to adapt to the latest technologies to manage business transactions and operations.

In this digital era, POS mobility has emerged as the greatest trend which has further changed the customer dynamics. Therefore, to meet the growing customer demands, Aala wanted to create an application that incorporates their ERP solution and could help to record daily business transactions. The basic functionalities of this application were to record payments that include cash, cheque, and other modes of electronic payments. The primary requirement was to create an application compatible with all iOS and Android devices.

How Creative Giants Technologies Created Value for Aala?

Aala needed help finding a reliable partner who could understand the importance of growing customer demands and had the expertise in the latest technologies. CGT has a proven track record of building successful applications that helped businesses to outperform their competitors. Therefore, CGT was an excellent fit for transforming Aala’s requirements into functionality within the given time frame.

Challenges- To Optimize Sales Efficiency & Inventory Support

Developing an app with innovative features while ensuring scalability was a significant challenge. We had to incorporate features to track and monitor sales performance. To make Aala’s business process more efficient, we faced the challenge of offering real-time data synchronization. We had to ensure this application integrated with existing POS systems to support usability and security. To enhance sales and inventory workflow, we had to include third-party tools and features to expand business functionalities.

Solution- Integrating Inventory and Sales Analytics

When Aala connected to CGT and discussed the challenges they faced in this highly competitive business environment. Our experts did thorough research on the latest business technologies and features that could help Aala in monitoring the inventory and sales functions. Therefore, we incorporated features to monitor the point-of-sales solutions, warehouse, and daily business activities.

For data synchronization, we implemented a robust backend system to ensure real-time data about sales and inventory. We utilized APIs and created flexible integration options to facilitate different POS systems. We used encryption techniques to ensure user security and data transfer. This app helped Aala to generate accurate reports that represent employee schedules, inventory, cash flow, and other important sales data.

Inventory Management

Our team of developers included the following functionalities to track, organize and manage inventory:

  • Inventory Tracking
  • Inventory Alerts
  • Warehouse Management
  • Product Information
  • QR Code Scanning
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Integration with POS Systems
  • Mobile Accessibility
  • User Permissions and Security

Order Management

To automate the order processing and to increase efficiency, we included these features:

  • Order Tracking
  • Customer Database
  • Payment Processing
  • Inventory Integration
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Shipping and Logistics
  • Integration with CRM and ERP Systems

Analysis of Sales Reports

CGT integrates Aala’s business processes to generate accurate sales reports that can provide the upper management with valuable insights, to execute strategies that increase the efficiency of business operations. To achieve this goal, we incorporated the following features:

  • Sales Data Integration
  • Sales Analytics and Insights
  • Sales Metrics and KPIs
  • Sales Channel Analysis
  • Sales Team Performance
  • Sales Forecast
  • Customizable Reports

Employee Scheduling Analysis

Furthermore, we deployed features to create and manage employee shifts. This helped to track employee performance and productivity, which increased the overall efficiency of business processes. Some features of this application are mentioned below:

  • Employee Schedule
  • Schedule Visualization
  • Shift Coverage
  • Employee Availability Management
  • Shift Swapping and Requests
  • Employee Performance Metrics

Cash flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis was one of the major requirements that Aala wants in the application. Our experts ensured to meet the goal while adding the following features:

  • Cash Flow Tracking
  • Historical Analysis
  • Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Debtor and Creditor Analysis
  • Revenue Analysis
  • Reporting and Alerts


This application helped Aala to track sales performance and to make informed decisions about business strategies. Aala is no longer behind other business competitors as it has an integrated app that provides valuable insights about business activities.

Moreover, we ensure that the application is compatible with all mobile devices and is user-friendly so employees can easily adapt to this new intervention. This application works on both Android and iOS devices. This application successfully meets Aala’s requirements and we still monitor its performance. Therefore, CGT is the most trusted and reliable partner of Aala for mobile app development.

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